Thursday, August 29, 2013

Demoting Mama

At five, my kids saw me as relevant.
As omnipotent, omniscient, clairvoyant
But since they got education
They’ve done a 180 rotation
And now they view me as irrelevant.

c 2013 by Katherine Harris Szerdy

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Summer Synchronicity

It’s just begun today
Early spring’s promise
and I can wait patiently 

for the red blush of tomatoes
to dazzle the sun-bleached garden

as sunflowers stand sentinel
When the towering blooms stretch
higher than zucchini vines reach
along the garden fence.

In the corner the cherry tomatoes
remain true to their covenant to
pay us a visit each year

From hardy seeds resistant to
the chill of the Alberta clipper
and steel blades of the tiller

I can wait reverently, mindfully,
for warm rains to nurture
tangy succulence from the crimson fruit.

Nothing, oh nothing      
speaks summer like the fullness of
the harvest, unhurried, ready.

c 2013 by Katherine Harris Szerdy