Happy Birthday,
Dear Darling Daughter 10/25/2013

One score and six years ago today,
my little blonde blue-eyed girly girl Katelyn
came into the world!
She is beautiful
and smart and
thoughtful and
graceful and
feels as comfortable in spike heels as in slippers
and has the voice of an angel
which she uses with abandon when she vacuums the house,
and she has the work ethic of someone from the Greatest Generation
and wears the middle name of Elizabeth like
the fine pearls draped elegantly around her neck
given to her by her Godmother Elizabeth Donahue
whom she doesn't get to see
often enough
And also named in part after her Grandmother Elizabeth Szerdy
whom she never met
and who is called Katie Kadiddlehopper by her Uncle Bill
whom she made very proud when she
graduated from Army Basic training.
She used to be called Katie Sue by her Grandpappy
but has always been KK to me
and is fiercely family-oriented
and patriotic
and really physically fit
and a natural born knitter and quilter

embraces life with her whole being
is a clone of her Mama only better, much much better...
and I am extremely proud of her
and admire her and feel so blessed to call her
my Daughter!
Here, the poet uses a rhetorical device called polysyndeton,
the repetitive use of the conjunction "and" as a
liquid, literary way of stringing the images together like a strand of pearls,
like the organic pouring forth of love out of the heart which runneth over,
like the energy which connects the chromosomes consecutively in the order of life.
Copyright 2013 All rights reserved
Katherine Harris Szerdy