Monday, August 29, 2011

Frohring Meadow, Geauga County, Ohio--A Word Snapshot of my Day--August 24, 2011

The sunflower smiled down upon the Irish Breakfast tea-for-two place settings which my adopted sister Janie thoughtfully brought to give our day retreat a special start.  We, the  Yayayogachics of the Riverside High and National Writing Project Alumni Associations and the D. W. Shaner Sisterhood, daintily sip our Irish Breakfast Tea from Antique English bone china tea cups, each with its own floral pattern, and nibble on our gluten free blueberry muffins.  Attack bees, jealous of our tasty treats, attempt to rob us of our joy along with the park maintenance crew with their weed eaters, blowers, and mower tractors assaulting our ears as we attempt to write under the shade of Katydid Pavilion.

After tea and muffins gluten-free, we look to where two paths rise before us and choose the one toward which the Spirit "guided" us, a 2 3/4 mile stroll through meadow and deciduous forest.  A couple of miles and a half-hour after we shoulda coulda made our way back to home base--we love the way the Spirit gets us lost--we took the time to stretch back into the moment, our bodies yawning into a few asanas in the grass before setting our pens to paper.

The warm dampness rises from fresh mown grass, the sweet smell of chlorophyll as soft as baby's breath, brings us back to this moment.   The half moon takes second stage in the rich blue zenith of the late August mid-day sky.  The steady breeze caresses the meadow flowers where the azure meets acre upon acre of prairie ecosystem.  As the sun moves from a.m. to p.m., small puffs of fair weather cumulous clouds begin to dot the sky with feathery cirrus clouds sneaking in from the west, portending of a different sky tomorrow.

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